some thoughts on politics and other happenings by fairly smart folks

Friday, September 22, 2006

Yeah. The Economy. Guess We'll Try Again in 2008.

So, the Democrats, in their infinite wisdom,
  • have decided the major issue this election is going to be the economy
  • . Not the War in Iraq, which is going swimmingly, or the "culture of corruption" which is actually still going strong, despite the news that doesn't cover it. Yes, we lead the polling in economic policy, but with gas prices decreasing (Bush is an oil man, I garauntee they'll rise again after the election) and interest rates holding (again, the Fed Chairman was selected by a Republican, so that won't last), the American public may see this as a result of the current GOP controlled Congress. Granted, these really aren't major factors on the broader picture of the overall economy, but it's the one that is in the face of every American each day. You think it could blow up in our face?

    I think, in my humble opinion, that the reason that they are doing this is to try to pull in some of the fiscally conservative voters that are upset with the foolhardy spending of the current Republican Congress and the Bush Administration. In theory, it sounds good, but it's not enough to win an election. It should be a part of a much broader collection of ideas on which to run, the main one should be the War in Iraq.

    But why not attack the War on Terror, where Republicans are leading in polls for some reason? The Republicans aren't doing really anything to fight it, and in my opinion, it's just a myth to create the fear that the GOP needs to keep control. Why not expose it as the political tool that it is. What exactly are they doing to fight this "War on Terror?" Why are the Democrats such weaklings and cowards to actually attack the ideas of the Republicans. Rubber stamp indeed.


    Blogger peanut said...

    Apparently EJ Dionne thinks the same way...Will Voters Fear Terror or the Cost of Living?

    The dems could mess up bigtime if they don't pay attention.

    5:08 PM


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