some thoughts on politics and other happenings by fairly smart folks

Thursday, October 26, 2006

the ad round-up (part 1)

From the New York Times:

Ad Seen as Playing to Racial Fears

Published: October 26, 2006

KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Oct. 25 — The Tennessee Senate race, one of the most competitive and potentially decisive battles of the midterm election, became even more unpredictable this week after a furor over a Republican television commercial that stood out even in a year of negative advertising.


This ad is being compared to the Willie Horton ad, which was the subject of several studies finding that it played on subtle racial fears of Southern whites. Do me a favor - watch this ad, watch the Horton ad, and tell me whether it's a valid comparison. Maybe I just don't see it because I'm not racist (ie, Southern). Harold, by the way, is African American.

Sorry, no youtube on this one...
The Willie Horton ad

Course, nothing really tops this one:

Now, see any parallels between the daisy ad and this lovely piece?

Who said ads weren't fun?


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